Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Proposal. Use correctly in a sentence:

I was impressed by his proposal, or at least the left side of my brain was.

The proposal assignment was bitter abuse.

I have found that writing a proposal could actually kill my desire to write anything else.

The thing is, proposals are supposed to be cut and dried, aren't they? This is the thing I have to offer, now you decide. But oh no, oh no -- I must jump through hoops, I must dazzle and entertain, all before you actually READ what I have written. I must walk through the burning ring of fire we call "marketing" into the dark side where business is clunking and churning -- like I would ever, EVER want to go there. In fact, this thing feels like a treaty between the two worlds, me in my optimism and them in their obvious pessimism, or otherwise, why would all the convincing be necessary? At this point, I am not even sure it would all work out.

I feel like every bit of my creativity has been counterbalanced by writing this malarky. Isn't that a conflict of interest?

One thing is for sure: I am conflicted and completely disinterested in this part of the process.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can certainly empathize with you on your "Proposal" sentiments, the proverbial jumping through hoops, etc.

Marketing can make for an arduous trek, no question, especially when you get the (almost) obligatory "corporate politics" involved! THAT is often the down side of the process--at least for me.

Appreciate your comments, and it's obvious your writing skills are first-rate.
