Friday, September 21, 2007


If there's one thing I've learned about people, it's that they are consistently amazing. Seriously. I don't care if it's the librarian who looks like she drank a bottle of lemon juice with her breakfast, she is amazing...if you get to know her. She may not have a personality you totally adore, but she has some qualities, or she has had some experience, or she has some habits that would floor you. It's true.

As far as character development, this has to impact me in some way. I can't write about the good girl character who always did thus-and-such and maintains the same course until she dies on her starched sheets at a ripe old age. There has to be something deeper than that -- something that twists my preconceptions, at least by the middle of the book. There has to be something that challenges me to think differently, something disconcerting or striking or brilliant about her that I wouldn't have known unless I'd gotten to know her as a reader. Otherwise, I'm not representing true life, and the people that we encounter every direction we turn. Because every one of them would amaze us, if we got to know them...

Probably more about this later. I'm not committing to anything today:)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I sent off my ms today. This is good, because the decision is no longer wandering around aimlessly in the back of my mind. I am freaking out about it to a degree, but I will not let that overwhelm me. I think I'll just keep repeating that over and over...and over...