Friday, June 20, 2008

Thoughts on thoughts

Okay, now I am officially writing or editing 3 different stories. Plus my blog. What in the world?

But you know, that just about sums up the state of my mind lately -- a million direction without a good fix on anything. It's frustrating, but I guess I shouldn't allow it to be. Just like a good beginning without an end yet, it's still......a good beginning. Some thoughts, however unclear, are better than no thoughts at all, right? Because then I really would be vegetative.

But vegetative seems so restful to me. Maybe because I have never seen very many vegetative people, but the ones that I picture have that half-asleep smile on their faces. And you know what? What if they do have all kinds of thoughts, but aren't having to work on solutions because of, you know, their state. Although a life free of problems would really have no plot, would it? Where would the excitement, the climax, the thematic elements be? That is what makes a story a story, right. Even a story with no end yet. The end is implied, but there's no hurry to get to it.

And so I must get back to my 3 stories and work towards at least one implied ending. Good thing I have no implied deadline to go with it.