Thursday, May 3, 2007


So I've decided I love all my characters. I want to write a book about each of them, but I can't, so I think I'm writing all those books into one, and that is why this is taking so long. I used to think movies chopped too much of the important stuff. Now I think books do, too. People are so complex, and characters have to be no less. It's hard to funnel it all into a few thousand words.

So, I knew there would be a sequel from the beginning, and it's funny, because I wasn't sure my plot was thick enough. Well, this baby could plug a radiator better than McGyver. Remember him? Anyway, now I think it's getting to be just plain confusing, but I don't want to trim any of it off. The funnelling thing again. Frustrating, isn't it?

And my fingers are programmed to do i before e. They don't know the "except after c rule." That's frustrating too.

I need to put a mood chart up here. My roommates and I had one on the refrigerator through the duration of our stay together. It was helpful to know who to ignore and who to cheer up and who to ask for money. J/k

Mood of the day: frustrated;( I wish Blogger would supply me with faces that weren't sideways. ARGH!

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